Yoga is a great tool to build trust, love and understanding in your relationships. Read on as we suggest you couple yoga poses that you can practise with your loved one.
Some couple yoga poses now only have endless benefits, which deepens trust and helps explore new methods of communication but also form new connections between lovers. Couple yoga poses also help encourage understanding, intimacy and ultimately improves your sex life.
Here are a few couple yoga poses that you should try out:
One of the best couple yoga poses is breathing. Matched breath is the closest intimacy one can achieve, it brings a couple together united in their pranic experience.
Sit cross-legged on the floor, facing away from your partner with your backs touching, so that you are aware of the rise and fall in your partner's breath. You can choose to practice matched inhaling and exhaling or alternating, where one inhales while the other exhales.
This pose helps you to reach out to your partner. Slow stretching and breathwork are done to break down walls.
In a seated position, backs touching, start with slow breathing. Rest your hands on your thighs or knees and try to connect with your partner. Stretch your arms and bring your left hand to hold the inside of your partner’s knee, twisting your body to your left and your right hand to hold your knee. Your partner mirrors this movement and you hold this pose for 10 breaths, after which you switch sides.
The bound angle pose is one of the best restorative couple yoga poses, it helps heal aspects that have not been addressed in the relationship.
Remain seated back to back with your partner with your soles together as close to your groin as possible. Take your time to settle into the asana and take a few connected breaths with your partner. Inhale and one partner leans back lengthening the spine while the other exhales and tries to keep a straight spine. This is repeated by your partner, each helping the other to open their heart and radiate love.
The chair pose engages the major muscles in the body, opening your third eye, throat, heart, sacral and root chakras.
Stand to face your partner at an arm's length away and hold hands. Rest your feet firmly on the ground and lower your body with your feet placed further than your knees. Now, lower your body in synergy with your partner in a squat-like pose as if you were seated on a chair. Here, as you support yourself you also support your partner. Hold this pose while practising deep breathing for a minute.
Savasana is the ultimate restorative pose, tying you back to your growing, enhanced existence in deep relaxation.
Lay down flat on your back, as your partner does the same but with your head besides your partner’s feet, bodies touching. You can hold hands, further aligning this pose.
With eyes shut, deep breaths with meditation are the essence of savasana. Stay in this pose as long as you please.
People suffering from severe back or knee injuries should avoid these asanas. Pregnant women need to follow modifications while performing the asanas under supervision.
The above-mentioned couple yoga poses are fun and relaxing, they will help you reconnect and build trust with your partner.