Diva Yoga

Calorie Crusher - Personalized fat-loss program

Calorie Crusher - Personalized fat-loss program

Calorie Crusher - Personalized fat-loss program

Scientifically designed approach to lose those extra pounds in just 90 days

Get 90 days of FREE classes if you do not reach your weight-loss goal

30 days money back guarantee

Here’s what you get:

40 LIVE 1-on-1 session

50 do-it-yourself workouts recommended by your coach

Customizable diet plan

Daily progress tracker

Community challenges

24/7 support for consistency and discipline

Here’s what you get:

Invest your time in your health, it’s precious.

Improved quality of life and mental health lead to lesser risk of mental disorders

Improved quality of life and mental health lead to lesser risk of mental disorders

Improved fitness levels lead to reduced risk of severe obesity related health conditions

Improved fitness levels lead to reduced risk of severe obesity related health conditions

Reduced risk of hospitalization and save upto $10,000 on medical expenses yearly

Reduced risk of hospitalization and save upto $10,000 on medical expenses yearly

According to WHO, obesity is preventable with supportive environment & communities

According to WHO, obesity is preventable with supportive environment & communities

This programme focuses on :


Scientifically proven methods for losing body fat in a fast and sustainable way.

MOVE with asana practice

MOVE with asana practice

MOVE with asana practice

With 25 unique forms of yoga and varying intensity of workouts, you can achieve your weightloss goal faster

Scientific, result oriented and long lasting.

BREATHE to boost metabolism

BREATHE to boost metabolism

BREATHE to boost metabolism

Breathwork normalises metabolism and increases ability of the body to burn fat.

Boosts metabolism, improves focus & undo’s effects of stress

CONNECT with gratitude

CONNECT with gratitude

CONNECT with gratitude

Mindfulness and guided meditations can help in mindful eating, relaxation, detoxification, digestion and allows to connect with the infinite pool of energy.

Eat mindfully, manage cravings and nourish the body with the right nutrients
Trained in Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world. Well-versed with the ancient yoga sutras and modern human anatomy, they are nothing short of excellence.

Meet your coaches

Trained in Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world. Well-versed with the ancient yoga sutras and modern human anatomy, they are nothing short of excellence.


How does yoga help compared to other forms of exercise?

Calories burned in Suryanamaskar >>> Other forms of exercise.

417 kcal


331 kcal

Weight Lifting

251 kcal


223 kcal


Hear it from our diverse community of yogis


Wonderful yin yoga class These classes set me up for the weekend every week with special thanks to SARVA for sharing the...

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30 days money back guarantee