Diva Yoga


Prashant Bajpai

Prashant Bajpai

About Prashant

Prashant Bajpai believes in the power of Yoga because he has experienced a personal transformation on his own health and his mental wellness through it. He has 5 years of experience and is currently pursing his M.A. in yoga . His background in Post graduation diploma in Human consciousness ,Yoga & alternative therapies has made him an empathetic teacher and a well rounded individual. He hails from an illustrious alumnus, Dev Sanskriti university, Haridwar, U.K. and has also been trained in the 25 forms of Yoga. He has trained over 400+ members in SARVA and has advised his members, “If you have the will to achieve it, then theres nothing you should stop short of in order to achieve it”. He speaks fondly of his time he spent learning Yoga and recovered from his own physical challenges and has hands-on experience at inspiring and transforming several lives around him.

Apart from individual specialities, Prashant Bajpai is proficient in SARVA's 25 forms of yoga and has completed a detailed 200-hour practical training from SARVA that includes the classical styles of yoga, yoga with different props, and many more.